
Physiotherapy For Foot And Ankle Osteoarthritis

Physiotherapy For Foot And Ankle Osteoarthritis | Australian Sports Physiotherapy

Are you struggling with foot and ankle osteoarthritis? Are you looking for an effective treatment option to alleviate your pain and improve your mobility? Physiotherapy may be the solution you’ve been searching for.

Foot and ankle osteoarthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can cause pain, stiffness, and difficulty walking, making daily activities a challenge. While there is no cure for osteoarthritis, there are various treatment approaches available to manage the symptoms and improve overall function.

Physiotherapy is a valuable and non-invasive treatment option for individuals with foot and ankle osteoarthritis. Through a combination of exercises, manual therapy, and education, physiotherapists can help reduce pain, increase joint flexibility, and enhance muscle strength.


What is foot and ankle osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting millions of people worldwide. It is a degenerative joint disease that affects the cartilage, the protective tissue that cushions the ends of bones. Cartilage allows bones to move smoothly against each other. When cartilage breaks down, it can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling.

Osteoarthritis can affect any joint in the body, but it is most common in the knees, hips, hands, and spine. It can also affect the feet and ankles.

There are 28 bones that make up numerous joints in each foot. Arthritis most commonly affects the following foot joints:

  • The joint between the ankle and shinbone.
  • The 3 foot joints: the heel bone, the inner midfoot bone, and the outer midfoot bone.
  • The joint between the big toe and the foot bone.


Causes of foot and ankle osteoarthritis

The exact cause of osteoarthritis is unknown. However, there are many factors that can increase your risk of developing the disease, including:

  • Age
  • Poor foot biomechanics
  • Obesity
  • Previous injury, fractures or sprains
  • Family history
  • Joint deformity


Common symptoms of osteoarthritis in the foot and ankle 

The symptoms of foot and ankle osteoarthritis can vary depending on the severity of the disease. Common symptoms include:

  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Difficulty moving the joint
  • Tenderness
  • Warmth
  • Cracking or popping sounds in the joint

The pain may be worse in the morning or after periods of inactivity. It may also be worse with activity.

Physiotherapy For Foot And Ankle Osteoarthritis | Australian Sports Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy treatment for foot and ankle osteoarthritis

Physiotherapy is an important part of the treatment plan for foot and ankle osteoarthritis. It can help to reduce pain, improve mobility, and strengthen the muscles around the joint.

Several different physiotherapy techniques can be used to treat foot and ankle osteoarthritis. These include:

  • Range-of-motion exercises 

These exercises help to keep the joints moving and prevent them from becoming stiff. They may involve moving the ankle in different directions or using a wobble board or balance cushion.

  • Balance exercises

These exercises help to improve your balance and coordination, which can help prevent falls. They may involve standing on one leg or walking on an uneven surface.

  • Strengthening exercises

These exercises help to build up the muscles around the joint, which can help to support it and reduce pain. They may involve using weights, elastic bands, or resistance machines.

  • Manual therapy

This involves the physiotherapist using their hands to massage and manipulate the joint. This can help to reduce pain and improve mobility.

  • Pain management techniques

These techniques can help reduce pain and inflammation. They may include ice packs and heat packs.


The specific physiotherapy exercises that are right for you will depend on your individual needs and the severity of your osteoarthritis. Your physiotherapist will work with you to create a personalised treatment plan that is right for you.


How to manage your foot and ankle osteoarthritis

In addition to physiotherapy, there are several other things that you can do to help manage your foot and ankle osteoarthritis. These include:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight: Excess weight puts extra stress on your joints, which can worsen your osteoarthritis.
  • Eating a healthy diet: A healthy diet can help reduce inflammation and improve your overall health.
  • Getting regular exercise: Exercise can help strengthen your muscles and improve your mobility.
  • Wearing supportive shoes: Supportive shoes can help reduce pain and improve your balance.
  • Using a cane or walking stick: A cane or walking stick can help to take some of the stress off your joints.


Prognosis for foot and ankle osteoarthritis

The prognosis for foot and ankle osteoarthritis varies depending on the severity of the disease. With treatment, most people can manage their symptoms and live a normal life. However, some people may experience significant pain and disability.

Physiotherapy For Foot And Ankle Osteoarthritis | Australian Sports Physiotherapy

Final thoughts on foot and ankle osteoarthritis physiotherapy treatment

Physiotherapy is a game-changer when it comes to managing foot and ankle osteoarthritis. By incorporating targeted exercises, manual therapy, and education, physiotherapy can help alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance your overall quality of life.

Don’t let foot and ankle osteoarthritis hold you back any longer; take the first step towards a pain-free future with the power of physiotherapy!


Book an appointment with one of our experienced physiotherapists today for a comprehensive assessment and customised treatment plan.


About the Author

Picture of Michael Rafla

Michael Rafla

Michael is a Senior Physiotherapist with almost 10 years of clinical experience across several specialties. He has enjoyed working with Sporting teams such as Old Essendon Grammar Football club as well as chief Physiotherapist for elite athletes including former world number 1 and Australian Open winner Viktoria Azarenka. Michael has also participated in research surrounding Hip Arthroscopy and travelled for the international Society of Hip Arthroscopy to present lectures in overseas conferences, most recently in Chile in 2017. Alongside his colleagues, Michael was clinical supervisor for Masters and Bachelor of Physiotherapy students from Bond University, Melbourne University and ACU University respectively.
Picture of Michael Rafla

Michael Rafla

Michael is a Senior Physiotherapist with almost 10 years of clinical experience across several specialties. He has enjoyed working with Sporting teams such as Old Essendon Grammar Football club as well as chief Physiotherapist for elite athletes including former world number 1 and Australian Open winner Viktoria Azarenka. Michael has also participated in research surrounding Hip Arthroscopy and travelled for the international Society of Hip Arthroscopy to present lectures in overseas conferences, most recently in Chile in 2017. Alongside his colleagues, Michael was clinical supervisor for Masters and Bachelor of Physiotherapy students from Bond University, Melbourne University and ACU University respectively.

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